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Chapter 2: The supplying process

2.1 Introduction

The modernization of the administrative structure has endured in the years a smaller increment regarding the developments of the production processes.
Both consume resources for the generation of respect to you output, however while a productive surplus generates for the enterprise value, in administrative field the consumption of a surplus of resources generates one reduction of the value.
Such loss of value can to be avoided through one rationalization of the processes trained to you.
Today we have means in order to organize in efficient way the activity administrative and to reduce expenses, like the computer science automation and the outsourcing of the processes, in particular of supplyings, that they represent the prevailing part of the administrative structure.
Based on the situation delineated in the previous understood one it it is possible to notice as the modality of the supplying process back is evolvendo new organizational shapes whose solutions differ to second of the purpose that it is wanted to be pursued through the supplying process.
The crescent complexity and variety of the production needs more and more of an elaborated system of supplying that it comprises is the strategic phase of the purchases is considers the optimization of the processes.
In the prosieguo of the understood one it it will in the first place be proceeded to define a distinction between what concerns the purchase and what s' means for supplying, of continuation it will come described who are the actors who take part to the supplying process and the activities who compose it.
Outline of regarding reading will come shown one the composite world of the E-procurement taking in consideration:

2.2. Definition of the concepts of "Purchase" and "Supplying"

Presupposing in order to better comprise the just positioning of the process of approvigionamento in the entire business within is the distinction between that it concerns "To acquire" and "To provision".
In a generalized manner for "purchase" we mean with of activity, whose importance is strategic for the entire enterprise.
The participation areas are:

On these tasks the unit is specialized acquires and would have to decide of the Know-how necessary in order to find the suppliers adapts to you, to deal around to the purchase prices, to arrange approximately the deliveries and terms of payment and the definition of the type of relation with every supplier.
Supplying represents an operating process through which it is possible to put to disposition of the petitioner the necessary assets, of the quality wished, in the place and to the wished time, to the competitive price more.
The entire process is involved a great number of business agencies and is characterized from an elevated number of microactivity (aspects that will come resumed in the paragraphs succeeded to you), that if not organized in adequate way can be vehicle of serious inefficiencies long all the supply chain.
The costs that weigh on structured procedures therefore can enough be elevate to you above all if account is kept that is independent from the tipologia purchase object.
The resources consumed in the supplying process come employed are for the assets that contribute in directed way to the produced added value from the enterprise, are for assets that, seppur indispensable, are marginal regarding Core business. It becomes to this fundamental point for the unit acquires, always been involved more in activity strategic, to define the own political of supplying and the supplying structure of just the park.
For giving an idea of the operating costs of supplyings 10 of assets production goods it is not possible to assert, rifaring us to an interpretation of a law empiricist of an economist and Italian sociologist, Vilfredo Pareto 11 , which, applied in business field says to us that every enterprise acquires 80% in value of the goodses of which it has need, only using 20% of its park supplying, while it provisions for remaining 20% in value near 80% of the managed suppliers that, online general, in with of a series of "voice"(es. customers, products sold, supplying) 20% approximately of the voices it represents 80% of the consumed value and viceversa, obviously proportion 80/20 is indicative.
However management of this 20% in value generates the greater part of the operating costs of the process and therefore it absorbs the greater part of the administrative resources of a company.
Figure 2.1 relation between acquired value and revives employed

2.3. The Actors of the Process of Supplying

A first necessary step for the analysis of the process of traditional supplying is to evidence the actors who of it take part.
From the side of the offer there are the suppliers who put to disposition the necessary material for run regulating of transactions of the enterprise whose production schedule can be influenced strongly from the quality of the products and the performances of the supplier.
From the side of the question there is the enterprise . The structure of an enterprise can to be much various one from others for which here fará reference like example to the structure of a Unitec customer, " society s.r.l. ", in order to evidence the actors of the process who, in a generalized manner are present in all the enterprises.
The actors who take part to the supplying process are: the production unit, the unit acquires, the warehouse, contabilitá and the administration.
As it is evidenced in fig.1 the all these functions are intercorrelate from a series of activity that they will be described in the successive paragraph.

Figura2.2: The actors of the process of traditional approvigionamento


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