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Chapter 1: The impact of the Information & Comunication Technology on the supply relationships

1.6.3. The Web-innovated company

The development of the net-economy is carrying to the birth of new models of business in which the structure and the management of the supply chain they cover one function of strategic importance.
A lot often these different models of business are a lot between of they, tasks to the portali are horizontals that vertical, to the community, situated of auctions on linens.
One characteristic common is that one to specialize itself in the management of parts of the supply chain tying own activity and the own points of force to the communication technologies and porsi like "third part" in the comparisons of companies that estimate the opportunitá to manage in outsourcing that activity.
Important studies8 are in course are from part of the European union that give the universitá, in particular from the Athens university of economy and business, in order to develop a methodological approach to the development of these business.
In spite of the search it is not still resolutions to characterize a business model appropriate for these contexts. The variable ones taken in consideration in order to identify the characteristics and the operation of a business model are: the tipologia of business, the technological solutions adopted and the implications of the political of the governments and in our case also of the European Union.
The political turn out in fact to have a strong impact for the development of these business on the competition and the transports. The changes long these dimensions can directly affect the atmosphere of the net-economy beyond that to affect the economic development, the competitivitá and on the impact of the quality of the life.
In a similar context new enterprises are placed tantissime that are proposed like provider for the management and the optimization of the business processes using the new infomatiche technologies for the development of the own ones activity.
As seen in the previous paragraph they are always more numerous and efficient the plans of increase of the supply chain above all when the relationships between the enterprise and the suppliers are very consolidate to you.
However the impact that in the course of the time the technological innovation has had on the supply chain management has deeply conditioned the relationships of supply above all with the birth of the digital markets them.
The such influences that the platforms and the applications of esplicano ITC on supplyings are many and that has been coined the term of Electronic Procurement in order to mean the transposition in net of the modalitá of management of the processes of approvvigionamentoe of the relations with the suppliers.
When draft to be carried out operations of e-procurement having for object material direct, that is produced goods and services of primary importance for business Core business, the companies address to shapes of dealing apt to establish synergies on the plan of the strategic programming giving to life to relationships sluices of collaborativo/relazionale type and organizational structures similar to those observed in the previous paragraph.
The possibilitá to reduce the purchase costs, increasing to excess the competition in supplyings, to shorten the logistic chains, cutting the several nets of intermediation, to obtain wide contracts picture the more possible to the aim to dull convenient prices more, to realize shipments to loaded suit in order to reduce the shipping charges, has made to think to one always more emphasized crisis of the relationships of partnership.
Going peró to analyze to the materials object of exchange to the inside of the marketplace, we become account that the greater part of the dealings regards not strategic goods and services.
Draft in kind of merely transazionali relationships, in which the activity carried out in net they are limited to the definition of the economic contents and technical of the order taking in consideration investments it does not dedicate to you and specific.
We can characterize various tipologyof operating like Marketplace consortili 9 constituted from some enterprises leader in just the field been born with the objective from part of these realtá entrepreneurial to share the investments in the new technologies and to create true points of reference for the entire row.
Marketplace orthodox fates with the attempt to create new virtual markets in which customers and suppliers they can be met and give new life opportunitá of business.
Such meaning of B2B on Internet is revealing peró utopica because of the difficult solution of problematic tied to the definition of standards common or the possibilitá from part of the suppliers to possess an adequate digital platform them.
The role of these operating ones has endured a remarkable reorganization, it has been assisted therefore to numerous variations of models of business that they push such operating to evolvere towards models which Secvice provider, process Outsourcer and, in some cases, becoming true and own suppliers of technologies.
The Service provider Internet is operating based that they offer the own technological solutions in modalitá similar to the "affitto "(that is in ASP) with to connected services to added value to I use of the platform.
The objective of these operating ones is to concur with the enterprises customers to make use of one technology evoluta without having to develop it "in house".
The Process Outsourcer Internet based that they head to realize on behalf of the customer, therefore in Outsourcing is operating, some activity relative to the purchases using the technology like support instrument.
The activity on which these operating ones they are focused they are that particularly onerose from the managerial point of view (as an example purchase of indirect assets).


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