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4 example in the context of the DVP project

For the practical demonstration of the configuration options presented in chapter 3 existing liveCD is to be examined, which contains a customized arrangement of the Plugins of the VDR software.
But the demo CD developed by Melanie Schöppe and Martin Rulsch in the context of its common academic year work '' digital video project on boat CD '' 162 one uses and one analyzes. The prototypische liveCD exclusively for the test environment in the laboratory DO Ilmenau provided. The software quality by means of suitable presented methods and techniques in the sense software of a Reengineerings and a Refactorings are to be increased, in order to be able to realize future changes more easily.
Refactoring as a Teilbegriff of the Reengineerings has the goal, the software quality without change of the actual functions regarding the re-use, comprehensibleness, maintenance, adaptability, of improving and of finding legibility and optimization of the resources use and of eliminating for future systems weak points. In the course of the Reengineerings then new requirements can be in-maintained faster. Both terms are however equivalently used often. Historically seen the software reorganization with function equivalence is based into the 1980er years, when one began to structure and modulate software. That should increase the legibility and page operations out. Today the focus is on the reusability of software parts. Object orientation offers itself thereby, class structures is however too fine granular, so that re-use in rougher structures such as must components163 take place.
The Reengineering of software as over term covers suitable methods and techniques, as well as all steps, which support the qualitative improvement, dressing and evolution of programs. This is possible in the following ranges: 164 So measures in the object-oriented code can be e.g. made: The goals and measures mentioned of the achievement of objective are to be applied to the existing liveCD. In addition in the following Unterkapitel the CD is introduced in the context of an actual analysis. The moreover one become on the basis the results of analysis of the 3. Chapter theoretical suggestions in the sense of the Refactorings and Reengineerings made, in order to improve the configuration management.
The structure of the Pluginarchitektur can be inferred from the following illustration:


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